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~ Social World Film Festival ~

Armonia di/by Bracey Smith

Armonia di/by Bracey Smith


Armonia fa il giro del concerto per pianoforte emotivamente dinamico "Armonia Degli Uccelli", e lo sposa con un'animazione universalmente accessibile, per produrre uno spettacolo unico e stratificato di narrazione spaziale.

Armonia takes the ride of the emotionally dynamic piano concerto "Armonia Degli Uccelli(Harmony of the Birds)", and marries it to a universally accessible animation, to produce a uniquely layered spectacle of spatial storytelling.
Scheda tecnica/Technical Spec.

Tipologia film/Film type: Animazione, Cortometraggio, Realtà Virtuale/Animation, Short Film, Virtual Reality
Paese/Country: U.S.A./U.S.A.
Duarata/Running time: 8'

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The Social World Film Festival was born in 2011 from an idea of director and producer Giuseppe Alessio Nuzzo. Not only a film festival, but it is also considered like a critical, social and cultural aggregation moment throuth seventh art.

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The Festival works 200 days a year producing special projects for institutions, schools and companies, film training courses with the University of Cinema brand in 5 locations in 3 Italian regions, lectures and collaborations with the Master of Cinema and TV of the Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Naples.

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L'evento è promosso e organizzato dal Comune di Vico Equense.
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associazione incaricata dal Comune di Vico Equense per l'organizzazione esecutiva del “Social World Film Festival”
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