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~ Social World Film Festival ~

La ciudad de Jobino di/by Santiago Charriere

La ciudad de Jobino di/by Santiago Charriere


Un europeo arrivò in una remota contea della Patagonia e immaginò una città che crescesse dalle steppe. Una città come Chicago. Alla fine del diciannovesimo secolo la sua visione sembrava ancora possibile, e i gaucho locali ancora oggi si riferiscono a questo luogo, dove castrano e legano i vitelli, come "La città". "La città di Jobino" si trova tra la fantasia di un uomo moderno e la durezza del paesaggio e del vento della Patagonia. Una foto della indomita Argentina, dove miti e illusioni spesso confondono i visitatori.

An European arrived to a remote county in the Patagonia and imagined a city growing out of the steppes. A city like Chicago. By the end of the nineteenth century his vision still seemed possible, and the local gauchos even today refer to this place where they castrate and rope the calfs as “The City”. “Jobino’s City” lies between the fantasy of a modern man and the harshness of the Patagonian landscape and wind. A picture of the untamable Argentina, where myths and illusions often confuse the visitors.
Scheda tecnica/Technical Spec.

Tipologia film/Film type: Cortometraggio, Documentario/Short film, Documentary
Paese/Country: Argentina/Argentina
Duarata/Running time: 7'
Lingua/Language: Spagnolo/Spanish
Sottotitoli/Subtitles: Italiano/Italian

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The Social World Film Festival was born in 2011 from an idea of director and producer Giuseppe Alessio Nuzzo. Not only a film festival, but it is also considered like a critical, social and cultural aggregation moment throuth seventh art.

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The Festival works 200 days a year producing special projects for institutions, schools and companies, film training courses with the University of Cinema brand in 5 locations in 3 Italian regions, lectures and collaborations with the Master of Cinema and TV of the Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Naples.

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