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~ Social World Film Festival ~

Revenge di/by Daniele Paglia

Revenge di/by Daniele Paglia


Come nel film di Lars von Trier, dove la realtà in cui vive la protagonista – interpretata magistralmente da Bjork – è spaccata da spazi onirici di musica e ballo in cui il reale è trasformato o reso più sopportabile, anche in questo clip la protagonista – interpretata da Francesca Stelladiplastica Pellegrini – vive un’esperienza onirica dove la persona a cui ha fatto del male è ancora viva e la perdona e rassicura. L’altra faccia della vendetta insomma. In tutto ciò la performance di Stellaplastica aggiunge quel tocco artistico che riveste di bellezza una scena carica di emozione e dolore.

As in the film by Lars von Trier, where the reality in which the protagonist lives - interpreted masterfully by Bjork - is split by dreamlike spaces of music and dance in which the real is transformed or made more bearable, even in this clip the protagonist - interpreted from Francesca Stelladiplastica Pellegrini - lives a dreamlike experience where the person to whom she has harmed is still alive and forgives and reassures her. In short, the other side of revenge. In all this, Stellaplastica's performance adds an artistic touch of beauty to a scene full of emotion and pain.
Scheda tecnica/Technical Spec.

Tipologia film/Film type: Music Video/Music Video
Paese/Country: Italia/Italy
Duarata/Running time: 7'
Lingua/Language: Italiano/Italian
Sottotitoli/Subtitles: Inglese/English

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The Social World Film Festival was born in 2011 from an idea of director and producer Giuseppe Alessio Nuzzo. Not only a film festival, but it is also considered like a critical, social and cultural aggregation moment throuth seventh art.

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The Festival works 200 days a year producing special projects for institutions, schools and companies, film training courses with the University of Cinema brand in 5 locations in 3 Italian regions, lectures and collaborations with the Master of Cinema and TV of the Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Naples.

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L'evento è promosso e organizzato dal Comune di Vico Equense.
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