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~ Social World Film Festival ~

Built To Be di/by Irene Maffei

Built To Be di/by Irene Maffei


Quando lo studente di livello A Shray Vishad lotta per affrontare lo stress di prendersi cura del padre malato mentre si prepara per gli esami, si rivolge alla marijuana per far fronte. Tuttavia, la nuova dipendenza di Shray minaccia il suo rapporto con il suo tradizionale padre indiano, la sua amicizia con la sua compagna di classe Kim, e le sue possibilità di andare in una prestigiosa università. Sarà un intervento del signor Lynch, capo dell'anno di Shray, essere sufficiente per aiutare Shray a trovare la strada giusta?

When A-level student Shray Vishad struggles to deal with the stress of caring for his ailing father while preparing for exams, he turns to marijuana to cope. However, Shray's new dependency threatens his relationship with his traditional Indian father, his friendship with his hard-working classmate Kim, and his chances of going to a prestigious university. Will an intervention by Mr Lynch, Shray's head of year, be enough to help Shray find the right path?
Scheda tecnica/Technical Spec.

Tipologia film/Film type: Cortometraggio/Short film
Paese/Country: Italia/Italy
Duarata/Running time: 30'
Lingua/Language: Italiano/Italian
Sottotitoli/Subtitles: Inglese/English

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The Social World Film Festival was born in 2011 from an idea of director and producer Giuseppe Alessio Nuzzo. Not only a film festival, but it is also considered like a critical, social and cultural aggregation moment throuth seventh art.

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The Festival works 200 days a year producing special projects for institutions, schools and companies, film training courses with the University of Cinema brand in 5 locations in 3 Italian regions, lectures and collaborations with the Master of Cinema and TV of the Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Naples.

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L'evento è promosso e organizzato dal Comune di Vico Equense.
© 2024 All Rights Reserved. “Italian Film Factory A.P.S.” P.IVA: 07969261218 CF: 90047720595
associazione incaricata dal Comune di Vico Equense per l'organizzazione esecutiva del “Social World Film Festival”
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