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~ Social World Film Festival ~

Insane Love di/by Eitan Pitigliani

Insane Love di/by Eitan Pitigliani


Insane Love racconta il disagio dei giovani d’oggi, divisi tra il mondo reale e quello dell’immagine, proprio dei social networks. Giovani che, nel doversi a tutti i costi adattare alla logica di questo nuovo mondo, sono sempre più costretti a vivere un drammatico distacco dalla realtà, che li porta a non essere più in grado di capire ciò che accade intorno a loro. Tra richiami biblici e accenni filosofici, Insane Love è la storia di un amore ossessivo, eccessivo, totale, al limite con l’insano.

Alessandro is a young Italian fashion model whose life seems to have reached a dead end when, one day, walking down the streets of Rome, he bumps into Sophia, a young girl from Argentina, with whom he falls desperately in love, right from the very first moment he sees her. Loving her becomes the whole purpose of his life, to the point that it seems to take him to another world. When the story with Sophia ends, Alessandro finds himself alone, face to face with reality.
Scheda tecnica/Technical Spec.

Tipologia film/Film type: Cortometraggio/Short Film
Paese/Country: Italia/Italy
Duarata/Running time: 20'
Lingua/Language: Italiano/Italian
Sottotitoli/Subtitles: Inglese/English

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The Social World Film Festival was born in 2011 from an idea of director and producer Giuseppe Alessio Nuzzo. Not only a film festival, but it is also considered like a critical, social and cultural aggregation moment throuth seventh art.

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The Festival works 200 days a year producing special projects for institutions, schools and companies, film training courses with the University of Cinema brand in 5 locations in 3 Italian regions, lectures and collaborations with the Master of Cinema and TV of the Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Naples.

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L'evento è promosso e organizzato dal Comune di Vico Equense.
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